Find your church home!
Warm coffee, kind hearts, and a growing faith community in Columbia Heights, MN.

Nestled in the heart of Columbia Heights, Heights Church is a welcoming church home for those seeking connection and spiritual growth. We're a small, friendly community of believers who gather for worship on the weekends and share cups of coffee at our coffee house, Community Grounds, throughout the week. Whether you're a seasoned follower of Christ or simply curious about faith, you'll find open arms and warm hearts ready to welcome you at Heights Church. 

  • What to expect? A cozy atmosphere and our multi-cultural, smiling community! 
  • What do you have for kids? Children ages 3 - 12 are welcome to join our kids church programming during worship in the main area. 
  • Where to park? Street parking is the way we roll at Heights Church. If you're haivng trouble finding a spot, one of our volunteers would love to help you find a place to park! 
  • What to wear? Our atmosphere is one that's laid back - so no need to dress to impress. 
  • Want to learn more about how to get connected? Fill out our connections card below!