Our youth ministry is so excited to meet you! Below are some commonly asked questions! If you'd like to learn more, reach out to us by emailing tanya@heightschurchmn.org

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • When does your youth ministry meet?
    SUNDAYS | On Sunday's, our youth meet during service! Youth grades 6+ and up have the option to join class or stay in service.
    WEDNESDAYS | On Wednesdays we meet 6:30PM - 8PM
    (Sept- May). We also host a monthly game night the 2nd Friday of the month. 

  • Do youth stay for worship or do they go back to youth church right away?  Our youth are dismissed after worship. Youth grades 6+ have the option to join class or stay in the main sanctuary for service. 
  • Anything else I should know?  Our youth will be attending a week of camp this summer! Email tanya@heightschurch.mn to register! We will also do quarterly service projects and support Speed the Light missions.